This family came to a fall mini-session a couple years back with a wide eyed, energetic toddler in two. Now, they are overnight, a family of five. Twin baby photos will always have my heart being a twin mama as well. Meet the newest addition to the B family, their sweet boy-girl twins! I loved seeing their big brother again. Such a ham and still full of fun energy. Seem liks his sister may take after him and not want to miss out on all the fun. It may look like she was sleeping through the session, but I can vouch that was not the case! She definitely didn't want to nap but her brother, well, I don't think he opened his eyes more than a few seconds!

It will be interesting for this family to look back on this blog and see if their differences stay the same, or if they change. I know as a twin mama, I don't remember much of those first few days with boy kiddos home, so I bet they won't remember much about this session so this blog post will take them back. That and their newest family photos; which will live on forever in their homes.

This shot of little sister leaning on her twin brother is one of my faves from the day. It really shows their size differences and it really doesn't get sweeter.

I haven't done a "what to expect" blog post in a while. This session is a great opportunity to go over an in home newborn photo session. Lately it feels like I have had nothing but baby photo sessions all over Tampa Bay! So, what is an in home newborn session like?

Let's start with the first shots of the day. I mean, the joy and excitement from the new big brother is just everything. I love how excited he was sitting in the middle of his new siblings. Taking time to knock out the family photos first is best if the newborns are not sleeping right as I arrive at a session. Especially with siblings in the mix. They don't have the attention span to keep going for an hour or two, as any parent of little ones can attest to.

Then, the sibling(s) get a break and I focus on the baby if they are sleeping. Or, we move to parent/newborn photos if they are still awake. Safe in a parent's arms is always possible. Whether awake, or asleep,there is nothing like a baby in a parents arms. The plan of any newborn session is to go with the flow and let babies be and they lead the flow.

If they fall asleep, we start simple baby led newborn photos. I generally put them in a basket with a family's own towels to stuff the basket. This creates a safe spot to lie. Then, I put a washed blanket or simple wrap over the towel. I let babies lead on newborn sessions. Most of the setups are with baby in a onesie or diaper and then wraps helping keep them snug and secure feeling. All babies are different, some like arms out, or no wrap, so again, I follow their lead.

Here we did a few individual shots of parents wit the babies, and then when both were wrapped and snug in spot, we brough "big brother" back over to adore them. I had my left hand on babies in the basket the whole time while brother was behind them to make sure they were secure, and mom was just next to big brother as added help, too!

Big brother was sound asleep, so I did some sweet shots of him soothing himself while we waited to see if his sister would fall asleep. Even with twin baby photos, I always get each baby on their own, too. They can't be though of as "twins" all the time and each will want their own photo documentation to look back on!

Eventually she did, well, at least a few seconds of sleep every few snaps or so! So I did a few shots of just her, and back to the basket set up together again.

Then we snuck in some gorgeous family shots by their front entry. That natural light was too good to pass up. Plus, I know how much I marvel at the fact that the parents can hold both of their babies now, without any issues. Trust me, that passes fast! I can't even lift my 13 year old twins now and haven't been able to for a long time.

Last we snuck outside in their yard just for a few more family images.

If you are expecting soon, the best time to set up your newborn session is at least four weeks before your due date. There is no harm in setting it up a bit earlier. Most of my newborns are captured the first twelve days after baby is born. We help plan all the details with a session success guide. Plus, a questionnaire to get to know your style before we meet in person. If you are looking for some style help, here is a link to my own newborn photo session style pin board ( If you are looking for a a newborn session this year, I still have some availability in September and October. Email me or use the "Contact" form on this website.

You can always add-on a 60 second video clip of your session, too!

Brooke Hamilton

Hi! I am Brooke of Hamilton Creek Photography. I have been a full time family photographer since 2011. I love all things family, and am happy to create authentic portraits for you and your loved ones. I offer lifestyle sessions as well as film add-ons, too. My sessions are full of color, light and love. Contact me if you are interested in having me help document your family, too.

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