This lovely family came down at the perfect time. The weather was perfect, no rain, no cold, just right. They had a few days of sea fog, but the sunsets were hazy, cotton candy skies. Which worked perfectly with the soft neutral color pallet. Neutral does not mean everybody is in white or cream, you can do neturals with khakis, brown, light blues and pinks sprinkled in as well. They didn’t have any big prints so everything just melded together perfectly with softness perfect for the beach! If you are heading down to Indian Rocks Beach on a family vacation with grandparents, cousins, or siblings you just don’t get to see nearly often enough, a family beach photo session is a great way to remember the fun you had. I promise it will be fun and the only stress will be if you stress. I will be here to guide you every step of the way and then the night of the session, help keep you relaxed with mom-jokes and animal noises to keep everyone entertained for the hour or hour and a half we spend together at sunset! Contact me today if you are already booked for your vacation. I am mostly booked for March but have a few spots open, particularly weekdays and the same goes for April.

If you are here for this family, drop them a comment below. They can earn a gift 8x10 print! I love to help families print their session when they are done and this is an added bonus to add to their collection!

family of three snuggles on boardwalk at beach
extended family portraits indian rocks beach
family of three plays at beach during family photos
family walking on indian rocks beach holding hands
family photos at indian rocks beach wearing pinks and blues
what to wear extended family beach pictures
grandparents holding baby boy at beach photo session tampa
black and white family photo session indian rocks beach
fun family photos indian rocks beach
mother daughter photos at indian rocks beach
couples collage of photos at beach tampa
tampa family photographer hamilton creek photography

such a perfect wardrobe for family beach photos

large family photo session ideas for poses
sunset photo session indian rocks beach
fun family photos at beach

love ending a photo session with some water play!

silhouette family photos at beach

another fun way to end a session is with a few silhouette moments

Brooke Hamilton

Hi! I am Brooke of Hamilton Creek Photography. I have been a full time family photographer since 2011. I love all things family, and am happy to create authentic portraits for you and your loved ones. I offer lifestyle sessions as well as film add-ons, too. My sessions are full of color, light and love. Contact me if you are interested in having me help document your family, too.

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