This family was just pure joy to photograph. They picked Picnic Island Beach and Park for their Tampa family fall photos this year. I loved the location with their outfits. I still wish we had more sunshine, but honestly, give me a moody beach in black and white edits and my heart is happy. My own family photos taken on a moody evening at Apollo Beach a few years back still grace my walls in black and white edits, too. So timeless and so much feeling in those authenticc family moments at the beach.

A family that plays in their session will always have more images in their gallery. Period. I won’t apologize for it. If you look the same in every single frame and look at the camera the entire time, you will get a few images. However, if you and your smiles all look the same, your overall image count will be lower. So, my big tip for a larger gallery is to play, tickle, engage with your family, smile, connect. Take my suggestions with grace and happiness instead of a grumpy “I am not doing that!”

Trust me, if you don’t like the results of those prompts, no worries. There will plenty of other images to choose from. But, usually what happens if you go with the flow and try a prompt, it just moves you on from a bit of stiffness to something that usually organically moves into something natural and fun. Even if my prompt is silly, those laughs generally result in some authentic, fun, sweet and happy moments! If you come with a good attitude and sense of fun, I promise, your photos will mirror that attitude. Just my two cents for more authentic photos, it is what I do and love to help document for Tampa families, so just relax and enjoy your time with me and more importantly, your family time without cell phones, screens, homework, dinner and dishes to clean, just fun times together for 30-60 minutes! Relax, smile and have fun. You won’t regret it!

If you have not booked your fall family photos in Tampa yet, there are a couple of mini-sessions still open. I offered more morning sessions this fall which has resulted in a bit more flexiblity for open bookings. Click HERE for to see the three mini session options with limited spots open.

Also, this family is near and dear to me not only because they are amazing, a fellow swim family but this doc is our son’s chiropractor! If you are local to Brandon/Riverview, check out Nu Vita Chiropractic - Their staff is amazing and so easy to book with and his child chiropractor care is bar none in the area!

glitter photos, compostable glitter for photo sessions

my biodegradable glitter is always in my bag to end a session with some sparkle!

Brooke Hamilton

Hi! I am Brooke of Hamilton Creek Photography. I have been a full time family photographer since 2011. I love all things family, and am happy to create authentic portraits for you and your loved ones. I offer lifestyle sessions as well as film add-ons, too. My sessions are full of color, light and love. Contact me if you are interested in having me help document your family, too.

Tampa Baby | In Home One month & Family PIctures


Tampa Senior Pictures | South Tampa Photographer