It is always an honor to take a family’s portraits after a new baby arrives. It is an extra honor when that family allows me that same honor with baby number two. This family is the sweetest, from their pup, to the newest member, each of them holds a special place in my heart for their own reasons. We met up this time after baby boy was just one month old, just like we did for his big sister when she reached on month old as well. Click HERE to look back at what their family looked like when they welcomed their sweet first baby.

While they have since moved, their style has remained. We were able to photograph these siblings in similar manners without being carbon copies. Each kid deserves their own moment, right? The nursery this time was rocket themed and the rug sibling images were some of my favorites. Honestly though, how can you pick one favorite with these cuteness overload from all of them!?

This month, I am sharing another photographer’s tips for starting your self portrait project! Check out Tips for Self Portraits with manual lenses

Brooke Hamilton

Hi! I am Brooke of Hamilton Creek Photography. I have been a full time family photographer since 2011. I love all things family, and am happy to create authentic portraits for you and your loved ones. I offer lifestyle sessions as well as film add-ons, too. My sessions are full of color, light and love. Contact me if you are interested in having me help document your family, too.

Davis Islands Beach | Family Beach Pictures Tampa


Picnic Island Pictures | Tampa Family Photographer